SPLC provides multiple opportunities for exchanging and discussing ideasĀ and visions for software product line engineering. The panels at SPLC 2019 is one such forum. We call for your proposals for panels onĀ software product line related topics. If you have an idea for SPLC 2019, please let us know.
Note that as of now, proposals for panels are conditional upon the availability of free slots in the program. Please contact the panel chair, who will then check with the general chairs, before writing a proposal. The main panel slot is already assigned to a panel on “Women in Computer Science,” organzed jointly with the co-located conference ECSA’19.
Panel proposals: June 20 (soft deadline)
Notification: August 1.
Please send your 1-2 pages proposal via email to Thorsten Berger <thorsten.berger@chalmers.se> and include the following information:
- Title
- Panel organizer names and affiliations
- Description and motivation for the panel topic
- The target audience
- Candidates of panelists