This is the list of accepted tutorials:
The tutorial introduces the variability modeling capabilities of the Integrated Variability Modeling Language (IVML), which is part of the EASy-Producer product line environment. EASy-Producer is an open-source research toolset for engineering product lines, variability-rich software ecosystems and dynamic software product lines. It has been applied in several industrial case studies and research projects showing its practical applicability both from a stability and a capability point of view. The tool-set consists of an interactive approach to product line definition and configuration through DSLs. The focus of the tutorial will be on variability modeling using DSL-based techniques, here the Integrated Variability Modeling Language IVML, but we will also provide an outlook on instantiating variability using EASy-Producer. As an outcome, the participants of the tutorial will understand the capabilities and design decisions of the toolset and gain a basic practical understanding of how to use it to define variability models, constraints and product configurations.
Klaus Schmid, Christian Kröher and Sascha El-Sharkawy (University of Hildesheim)
Software Product Lines (SPLs) are about developing a set of different software products that share some common functionality. Feature models are widely used to encode the common and variant parts of an SPL. The number of products encoded in a feature model grows with the number of features. Given n features and no constraints on valid feature combinations, there are 2^n possible products. To deal with this complexity, automated mechanisms are used to extract information from feature models, such as features present in every product. A diversity of operations have been developed to model check, test, congure, debug, or compute relevant information by analyzing feature models. Moreover, such operations have been used in scenarios from different domains ranging from operating systems to video analysis optimization. In this tutorial, we go through the different automated analysis operations identifying its usage in the literature. Later we will present how to implement these operations within the FaMa framework.
David Benavides and José A. Galindo (University of Seville)
The tutorial aims at introducing the EASy-Producer capabilities for model-based development and implementation to the participants. EASy-Producer is an open-source research toolset for engineering product lines and variability-rich software ecosystems. It has been applied in several industrial case studies showing its practical applicability both from a stability and a capability point of view. The tool-set consists of an interactive approach to product line definition and configuration and provides DSLs for this purpose. The focus of the tutorial will be on the DSL-based techniques for product derivation from an existing variability model. These implementation techniques are rather generic and can thus be applied in diverse circumstances, like product line engineering, but also for more typical model-based development scenarios.
Klaus Schmid, Christian Kröher and Sascha El-Sharkawy (University of Hildesheim)
FeatureIDE is an open-source framework to model, develop, and analyze feature-oriented software product lines. It is mainly developed in a cooperation between TU Braunschweig, University of Magdeburg, and Metop GmbH. Nevertheless, many other institutions contributed to it in the past decade. Goal of this tutorial is to illustrate how FeatureIDE can be used to clean variable code, whereas we will focus on dependencies in feature models and on variability implemented with preprocessors. The hands-on tutorial will be highly interactive and is devoted to practitioners facing problems with variability, lecturers teaching product lines, and researchers who want to safe resources in building product line tools.
Thomas Thüm (TU Braunschweig), Sebastian Krieter (OvGU) and Thomas Leich (Metop Research Institute)
This tutorial will teach participants about domain-specific languages and models, where they can best be used (and where not), and how to apply them effectively to improve the speed and quality of product development within a product line.
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen and Steven Kelly (MetaCase)
The tutorial aims at providing the essential knowledge for managing variability in product lines using feature models, with a special focus on creating and maintaining reusable requirements with the help of feature models. It explains the concept of feature models and their role in product line engineering, such as how feature models can be used to control development and also product configuration. Participants will learn how to build feature models from typically available sources of variability information; how to link feature models with requirements and keep reusable requirements “alive”.
Danilo Beuche and Mustafa Al Hajjaji (pure-systems GmbH)
Several socio-economic trends are driving customer demands towards individualisation. Many suppliers are responding by offering supplier-led software product design customization choices (“mass customization”). Some are also offering customer-led software product design choices (“mass personalization”). This tutorial introduces these concepts and explores the implications for software product line development. One particular technical challenge is being able to respond to and manage at scale the increasing variety of common, supplier-led and customer-led features. We will discuss two different approaches to address this challenge. One is grounded in feature modelling; the other is grounded in case-based reasoning. Both approaches aim to support the identification and selection of similar products. However they each place different emphases on these activities, use different product descriptions, and deploy different product derivation methods. Accordingly each approach has different key properties, benefits and limitations.
Hermann Kaindl (TU Wien ICT) and Mike Mannion (Glasgow Caledonian University)
This tutorial introduces a product line engineering solution, including tools and methods, that is the subject of an upcoming ISO standard and known as “Feature-Based Systems and Software Product Line Engineering.” Its usage is spreading beyond the traditional engineering realm, across the entire enterprise in areas such as product marketing, portfolio planning, manufacturing, supply chain management, product service and maintenance, and much more.
Charles Krueger and Paul Clements (BigLever Software Inc.)