Have you considered presenting a tutorial at SPLC 2018? Tutorials provide a valuable opportunity for conference participants to expand their product line knowledge and skills. Tutorials may focus on introductory product line topics, such as how to introduce a product line approach into an organization, or on advanced tools, approaches, methods, and best practices. We also welcome tutorials focusing on product line-related topics such as software ecosystems, domain-specific languages and model-driven engineering, self-adaptive systems, and systems of systems and cyber-physical systems. For those topics, however, make sure to clearly explain the relation to product lines. We particularly encourage tutorials that have a practical (tool) aspect to make the presentations more engaging. Tutorials will be held during the first two days of the conference week in full-day or half-day sessions.
The submission deadline for (max. 2-page) Tutorial Proposals is on May 16, please see http://kishi-lab.sakura.ne.jp/splc2018/call-for-papers/call-for-tutorial-proposals/ for further details.