List of Accepted Tutorials Online

We have just published details (titles, speakers, abstracts) on the accepted tutorials. See The week overview (here) shows the day the (half-day) tutorials will be held. Details on times and rooms will follow in the detailed program to be published soon.
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Tutorial notifications sent out

We have just sent out the notifications for tutorials. We could accept eight great tutorials. They are listed here: As soon as the program has been planned, you will find more detailed information below the menu item "Program". It is planned to hold the tutorials, that are all planned as half-day events, on Monday (Sept 10) and Tuesday (Sept 11). Please consider registering for/attending the tutorials, they all will be interesting and cover a wide range of topics ranging from SPL adoption to variability modeling (using diverse approaches), from model-based to feature-oriented software product line development, from general approaches to specific tools, and from building and modeling product lines to analyzing product lines. All tutorial presenters are very experienced and distinguished members of the SPL community and most of…
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Deadline extension of the Data, Demonstrations, and Tools track (Apr 24)

Only 4 pages (max) to write and 2 more weeks to get your dataset, demos or tools presented in the Data, Demonstrations, and Tools track. This track provides an opportunity for live demonstrations of academic or commercial product-line tools, of a (substantial) dataset to be shared with the community, and of practices tackling current industrial challenges. This specific track will be incorporated in the main track. For more details, see
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Call for Tutorial Proposals

Have you considered presenting a tutorial at SPLC 2018? Tutorials provide a valuable opportunity for conference participants to expand their product line knowledge and skills. Tutorials may focus on introductory product line topics, such as how to introduce a product line approach into an organization, or on advanced tools, approaches, methods, and best practices. We also welcome tutorials focusing on product line-related topics such as software ecosystems, domain-specific languages and model-driven engineering, self-adaptive systems, and systems of systems and cyber-physical systems. For those topics, however, make sure to clearly explain the relation to product lines. We particularly encourage tutorials that have a practical (tool) aspect to make the presentations more engaging. Tutorials will be held during the first two days of the conference week in full-day or half-day sessions. The…
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