Detailed Program

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September 10 (Monday)

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    REVE (Room Kelvin)

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    Tutorial 1 (Room Aktiviteten 13)

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    Tutorial 2 (Room Aktiviteten 12)

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    IWODPLE (Room Tesla)

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    Lunch (Venue)

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    VariVolution (Room Kelvin)

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    Tutorial 3 (Room Aktiviteten 13)

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    Tutorial 5 (Room Aktiviteten 12)

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    IWODPLE (Room Tesla)

September 11 (Tuesday)

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    Tutorial 6 (Room Kelvin)

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    Tutorial 4 (Room Tesla)

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    Tutorial 7 (Room Aktiviteten 13)

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    Industry Forum (Room Aktiviteten 12)

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    Lunch (Venue)

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    Tutorial 8 (Room Kelvin)

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    Industry Forum (Room Aktiviteten 12)

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    SPLTea (Room Aktiviteten 13)

September 12 (Wednesday)

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    Opening speech by General Chair (Room Pascal)

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    Keynote 1 by Markus Völter (Room Pascal)

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    Coffee Break

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    Challenge Track (Room Tesla)

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    Session 1 - Evolution & Coordination (Room Pascal)

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    Lunch (Venue)

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    Session 2 - Case Studies 1 (Room Pascal)

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    Challenge Track (Room Tesla)

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    Coffee Break

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    Introduction of MIP Award & MIP Award Presentation (Room Pascal)

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    Reception (Venue)

September13 (Thursday)

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    Keynote 2 by Judith Bishop (Room Pascal)

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    Coffee Break

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    Session 3 - Variability Design & Impl. (Room Pascal)

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    Session 4 - Configuration (Room Tesla)

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    Lunch (Venue)

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    Session 5 - Case Studies 2 (Room Pascal)

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    Doctoral Symposium Track (Room Tesla)

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    Coffee Break

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    Doctoral Symposium Track (Room Tesla)

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    Session 6 - Community (Room Pascal)

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    Townhall Meeting (Room Pascal)

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    Social Event & Banquet

September 14 (Friday)

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    Keynote 3 by Martin Hiller (Room Pascal)

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    Coffee Break

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    Session 7 - Variability Modeling & Extraction (Room Pascal)

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    Session 8 - Analysis & Vulnerability (Room Tesla)

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    Coffee Break

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    Hall of Fame, Closing of SPLC 2018 & Handover to SPLC 2019 (Room Pascal)

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    Lunch (Venue)

Monday, September 10

9:00-12:00 REVE -- 6th International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering
Room Kelvin
IWODPLE -- International Workshop on Documentation of Industrial Product Line Examples
Room Tesla
Tutorial 1 -- Variability Modeling with the Integrated Variability Modeling Language (IVML) and EASy-Producer
Room Aktiviteten 13
Tutorial 2 -- Automated analysis of feature models. Current state and practices
Room Aktiviteten 12
12:00-13:30 Lunch (Venue)
13:30-16:30 VariVolution -- 1st Intl. Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-intensive Systems
Room Kelvin
Room Tesla
Tutorial 3 -- Model-based Product Line Development with EASy-Producer using VIL and VTL
Room Aktiviteten 13
Tutorial 5 -- Describing Variability with Domain-Specific Languages and Models
Room Aktiviteten 12

Tuesday, September 11

9:00-12:00 Tutorial 6 -- Using Feature Models to Manage Variability and Requirements Reuse
Room Kelvin
Tutorial 4 -- Clean Your Variable Code with FeatureIDE
Room Tesla
Tutorial 7 -- Software Reuse and Mass Customisation: Feature Modelling vs. Case-based Reasoning
Room Aktiviteten 13
Industrial Forum
Room Aktiviteten 12
12:00-13:30 Lunch (Venue)
13:30-16:30 Tutorial 8 -- Feature-Based Systems and Software Product Line Engineering: PLE for the Enterprise
Room Kelvin
SPLTea -- 3rd International Workshop on Software Product Line Teaching
Room Aktiviteten 13
Industrial Forum
Room Aktiviteten 12

Wednesday, September 12

9:00-9:30 Opening speech by the general chair
Joint speech by the main track chairs
Room Pascal
9:30-10:30 Keynote 1 by Markus Völter
Domain-Specific Languages in SPLE: Why and How?
Room Pascal
10:30-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-12:30 Technical Session 1 -- Evolution and Coordination
Chair: Mike Mannion
Room Pascal
Identifying the Intensity of Variability Changes in Software Product Line Evolution
by Christian Kröher, Lea Gerling and Klaus Schmid
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Towards Automated Test Refactoring for Software Product Lines
by Jacob Krüger, Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Sandro Schulze, Gunter Saake and Thomas Leich
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
CIAHelper: Towards Change Impact Analysis in Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines
by Mostafa Hamza, Robert Walker and Maged Elaasar
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Reducing Coordination Overhead in SPLs: Peering in on Peers
by Leticia Montalvillo Mendizabal, Oscar Diaz and Thomas Fogdal
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Challenge Track (parallel to Technical Session 1)
Chair: TBD
Room Tesla
Opening: Overview of the track
by Timo Kehrer and Sarah Nadi
Timing: 10:50-11:00
Case 1: Interoperability of Software Product Line Variants
by Ferruccio Damiani, Reiner Hähnle, Eduard Kamburjan, and Michael Lienhardt
Timing: 11:00-11:20
Solution 1 for Case 1: Modeling Multi Software Product Lines using UML
by Maya R. A. Setyautami, Daya Adianto and Ade Azurat
Timing: 11:20-11:45
Case 2: Localizing Configurations in Highly-Configurable Systems
by Paul Gazzillo, Ugur Koc, Thanhvu Nguyen, and Shiyi Wei
Timing: 11:45-12:05
Solution 1 for Case 2: PCLocator: A Tool Suite to Automatically Identify Configurations for Code Locations
by Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Jacob Krüger, Kai Ludwig, Thomas Leich and Gunter Saake
Timing: 12:05-12:30
12:00-13:30 Lunch (Venue)
13:30-15:35 Technical Session 2 -- Case Studies 1
Chair: Rick Rabiser
Room Pascal
Software Product Line Extraction from Variability-Rich Systems: The Robocode Case Study
by Jabier Martinez, Xhevahire Tërnava and Tewfik Ziadi
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Getting Rid of Clone-And-Own: Moving to a Software Product Line for Temperature Monitoring
by Elias Kuiter, Jacob Krüger, Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Leich and Gunter Saake
Timing: 20+5 min (Industry Track)
Product line models of large cyber-physical systems: the case of ERTMS/ETCS
by Maurice H. Ter Beek, Alessandro Fantechi and Stefania Gnesi
Timing: 20+5 min (Industry Track)
Feature-Based Reuse in the ERP Domain: An Industrial Case Study
by Markus Noebauer, Iris Groher and Norbert Seyff
Timing: 20+5 min (Industry Track)
CustomDIFF: A Tool for Customization Analysis in SPLs.
by Leticia Montalvillo Mendizabal, Oscar Diaz and Maider Azanza
Timing: 15+5 min (Demo Track)
Challenge Track (parallel to Technical Session 2)
Chair: TBD
Room Tesla
Case 3: Apo-Games – A Case Study for Reverse Engineering Variability from Cloned Java Variants
by Jacob Krüger, Wolfram Fenske, Thomas Thüm, Dirk Aporius, Gunter Saake, and Thomas Leich
Timing: 13:30-13:50
Solution 1 for Case3: Multi-Objective Optimization for Reverse Engineering of Apo-Games Feature Models
by Willian D. F. Mendonça, Wesley K. G. Assunção and Lukas Linsbauer
Timing: 13:50-14:15
Solution 2 for Case3: Recovering the Product Line Architecture of the Apo-Game
by Crescencio Lima, Ivan Machado, Eduardo Almeida and Christina Chavez
Timing: 14:15-14:40
Case 4: Feature Location Benchmark with ArgoUML SPL
by Jabier Martinez, Nicolas Ordoñez, Xhevahire Tërnava, Tewfik Ziadi, Jairo Aponte, Eduardo Figueiredo, and Marco Tulio Valente
Timing: 14:40-15:00
Closing: Experience report on the challenge track + open discussion with the community
by Timo Kehrer and Sarah Nadi
Timing: 15:00-15:30
15:35-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:10 Brief introduction of MIP Award
by Rick Rabiser
Room Pascal
16:10-16:50 MIP Award Presentation:  Feature-Oriented Programming: A Fresh Look at Objects
by Christian Prehofer
Room Pascal
19:00-20:30 Reception (Venue)

Thursday, September 13

9:00-10:00 Keynote 2 by Judith Bishop
Software Product Lines – Predicting the Success of Software Reuse in Industry
Room Pascal
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-12:15 Technical Session 3 -- Variability Design and Implementation
Chair: Mohammad Mousavi
Room Pascal
Generative Software Product Line Development using Variability-Aware Design Patterns
by Christoph Seidl, Sven Schuster and Ina Schaefer
Timing: 20+5 min (Journal-First Track)
A Multiple Product Line Development Method Based on Variability Structure Analysis
by Kengo Hayashi and Mikio Aoyama
Timing: 20+5 min (Industry Track)
Integrating the Common Variability Language with Multilanguage Annotations for Web Engineering
by José Miguel Horcas Aguilera, Alejandro Cortiñas, Lidia Fuentes and Miguel R. Luaces
Timing: 20+5 min (Industry Track)
Safety-oriented Process Line Engineering via Seamless Integration between EPF Composer and BVR Tool
by Muhammad Atif Javed and Barbara Gallina
Timing: 15+5 min (Demo Track)
ProductLinRE: Online Management Tool for Requirements Engineering of Software Product Lines
by Javad Ghofrani and Anna Lena Fehlhaber
Timing: 15+5 min (Demo Track)
Technical Session 4 -- Configuration (parallel to Technical Session 3)
Chair: Klaus Schmid
Room Tesla
Optimal Reconfiguration of Dynamic Software Product Lines Based on Performance-Influence Models
by Markus Weckesser, Roland Kluge, Martin Pfannemüller, Michael Matthé, Andy Schürr and Christian Becker
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Heuristic and Exact Algorithms for Product Configuration in Software Product Lines
by Juliana Alves Pereira, Lucas Maciel, Thiago F. Noronha and Eduardo Figueiredo
Timing: 20+5 min (Journal First Track)
N-dimensional Tensor Factorization for Self-Configuration of Software Product Lines at Runtime
by Juliana Alves Pereira, Sandro Schulze, Eduardo Figueiredo and Gunter Saake
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Feature-Based Systems and Software Product Line Engineering with Gears from BigLever
by Charles Krueger and Paul Clements
Timing: 15+5 min (Demo Track)
Using a feature model configurator for release planning
by Mikko Raatikainen, Juha Tiihonen, Tomi Männistö, Alexander Felfernig, Martin Stettinger, Ralph Samer, Cristina Palomares and Xavier Franch
Timing: 15+5 min (Demo Track)
12:15-13:15 Lunch (Venue)
13:15-14:55 Technical Session 5 -- Case Studies 2
Chair: Maurice ter Beek
Room Pascal
Reverse Engineering Variability in an Industrial Product Line: Observations and Lessons Learned
by Sascha El-Sharkawy, Saura Jyoti Dhar, Adam Krafczyk, Slawomir Duszynski, Tobias Beichter and Klaus Schmid
Timing: 20+5 min (Industry Track)
Reverse engineering language product lines from existing DSL variants
by David Méndez-Acuña and José A. Galindo
Timing: 20+5 min (Journal First Track)
Modular Feature-Oriented Graphical Editor Product Lines
by Thomas Kühn, Kevin Ivo Kassin, Walter Cazzola and Uwe Assmann
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Modeling Language Variability with Reusable Language Components
by Arvid Butting, Robert Eikermann, Oliver Kautz, Bernhard Rumpe and Andreas Wortmann
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Doctoral Symposium Track (parallel to Technical Session 5)
Chair: TBD
Room Tesla
Introduction and openings
by Julia Robin and Oscar Diaz
Timing: 13:15-13:30
by Paul Clements
Timing: 13:30-14:00
Keynote: A template for helping students come up with their design problems
by Oscar Diaz
Timing: 14:00-14:30
Verification of Migrated Product Lines
by Mukelabai Mukelabai
Timing: 14:30-14:55
14:55-15:15 Coffee Break
15:15-17:00 Technical Session 6 -- Community
Chair: David Benavides
Room Pascal
A Study and Comparison of Industrial vs. Academic Software Product Line Research Published at SPLC
by Rick Rabiser, Klaus Schmid, Martin Becker, Goetz Botterweck, Matthias Galster, Iris Groher and Danny Weyns
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
A Classification of Product Sampling for Software Product Lines
by Mahsa Varshosaz, Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Thomas Thüm, Tobias Runge, Mohammadreza Mousavi and Ina Schaefer
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Teaching Software Product Lines: A Snapshot of Current Practices and Challenges
by Mathieu Acher, Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon and Rick Rabiser
Timing: 20+5 min (Journal First Track)
How do our neighbours do product line engineering? - A comparison of hardware and software product line engineering approaches from an industrial perspectives
by Martin Becker and Bo Zhang
Timing: 20+5 min (Industry Track)
Doctoral Symposium Track (parallel to Technical Session 6)
Chair: TBD
Room Tesla
Feature and Variability Extraction from Natural Language Software Requirements Specifications
by Yang Li
Timing: 15:15-15:40
Supporting Feature-Oriented Development and Evolution in Industrial Software Ecosystems
by Daniel Hinterreiter
Timing: 15:40-16:05
A methodological framework to enable the generation of code from DSML in SPL
by Maouaheb Belarbi
Timing: 16:05-16:30
Group discussion and closing
Timing: 16:30-17:00
17:00-18:00 Townhall Meeting
19:00-22:00 Social Event & Conference Banquet

Friday, September 14

9:00-10:00 Keynote 3 by Martin Hiller
How do we avoid getting devoured when software is eating the automotive world?
Room Pascal
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-12:15 Technical Session 7 -- Variability Modeling and Extraction
Chair: Dan Hao
Room Pascal
An Inductive Learning Perspective on Automated Generation of Feature Models from Given Product Specifications
by Hermann Kaindl, Stefan Kramer and Ralph Hoch
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Extracting Software Product Line Feature Models from Natural Language Specifications
by Anjali Sree-Kumar, Robert Clarisó and Elena Planas
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Variability Extraction and Modeling for Product Variants
by Lukas Linsbauer, Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon and Alexander Egyed
Timing: 20+5 min (Journal First Track)
Reverse Engineering Variability from Requirement Documents based on Probabilistic Relevance and Word Embedding
by Yang Li, Sandro Schulze and Gunter Saake
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Technical Session 8 -- Analysis and Vulnerability (parallel to Technical Session 7)
Chair: Philippe Collet
Room Tesla
Similarity Analysis of Product-Line Variants
by Mustafa Al-Hajjaji, Michael Schulze and Uwe Ryssel
Timing: 20+5 min (Industry Track)
Understanding Vulnerabilities in Plugin-based Web Systems: An Exploratory Study of WordPress
by Oslien Mesa, Reginaldo Vieira, Marx Viana, Vinicius Durelli, Elder Cirilo, Marcos Kalinowski and Carlos Lucena
Timing: 20+5 min (Research Track)
Using Static Analysis to Support Variability Implementation Decisions in C++
by Samer Al Masri, Sarah Nadi, Matthew Gaudet, Xiaoli Liang and Robert Young
Timing: 20+5 min (Industry Track)
Modelling and Analysis with Featured Modal Contract Automata
by Davide Basile, Maurice H. Ter Beek and Stefania Gnesi
Timing: 15+5 min (Demo Track)
KernelHaven - An Open Infrastructure for Product Line Analysis
by Christian Kröher, Sascha El-Sharkawy and Klaus Schmid
Timing: 15+5 min (Demo Track)
12:15-12:35 Coffee Break
12:35-13:30 Hall of Fame
Closing SPLC 2018
Handover to SPLC 2019
Room Pascal
13:30-14:30 Lunch (Venue)